Monday, June 21, 2010

Southern Island Adventure

Saturday was a sunny day and after Gabriella's ballet class we headed south to explore. Our first stop was Cape Kyan, a beautiful overlook on the southern tip of the island. We drove down a few tiny roads to get to the Cape and for a while I didn't think we were actually going to get there, but Greg once again proved his amazing navigational skills were up to the challenge. We arrived and walked through some castle ruins enjoying the beautiful view from the top of the cliffs. Gabriella and I talked about how wonderful it would be to have lived in this beautiful location and we discussed what the castle looked like before it was just another pile of rocks. The next overlook had some interesting signage it was called a "quasi national park" which got us thinking about what kind a quasi park they were talking about since all we saw was a pretty view. The overlook was beautiful and once we got our fill of the scenery we began our leisurely drive back home. We stopped at a few convenience stores on my search for unusually flavored kit kats, unfortunately we didn't find any new ones. The drive back was relaxing and the day as a whole was wonderful in its simplicity.


  1. The exploration seems to be pleasant!

  2. Sounds like a fun time. Too bad about the kit kats ... we've been on the hunt too without much luck.
    Angie K.
