Wednesday, April 7, 2010

5, yes just the 5.

Yesterday was a big milestone in our lives, our little Gabriella has turned 5. Before she went to bed on Monday night we talked about being in the hospital with her in my tummy 5 years ago. She asked a few questions about when she was born and then happily fell asleep. As I walked up the stairs to bed a little later I couldn't help but remember everyone gathering in my hospital room, eating Subway in front of me when I wasn't allowed to eat, waiting for Gabi to arrive. She was finally pulled out of my tummy at 1:18 am on April 6th 2005 and it was one of the happiest moments of my life. I remember the tears slipping down my cheeks as I heard her cry for the first time, I remember Greg kissing me on the forehead and moving Gabriella's swaddled body down to I could kiss her little cheek. As I watched Gabriella sleep for a few moments before I woke her up the next morning those first moments seemed like a long time ago. In these scant 5 years she's grown from a cute baby with chubby cheeks and no hair into a lovely little girl with no fat and a full head of easily styled hair. She's learned to walk, to draw, to dance, to do gymnastics, to hula, to be kind, generous and has learned to play nicely with others. Greg and I are so proud of her, of the girl she's become and we look forward to helping her to become the best person she can be.
Her birthday started early so she could say goodbye to Greg before he headed off to work. Next we called Grandma Oggie and Papa John to open presents on ichat. Gabriella received two beautiful dresses and quite a few art books. She wore her newest dress to school. As we walked into school everyone commented on her beautiful dress and she happily announced it was her birthday. She's so proud of turning 5. At the end of the school day I arrived at school to hand out cupcakes, they were chocolate with lavender frosting and sprinkles. After school we rushed home to call Tati Sam and Nana. They actually called us just as we were walking in the door. Gabriella was able to talk to everyone and open her presents at the same time. From Nana and Tati Sam she received lots of art supplies, 2 new sundresses, a pizza set, a puzzle and some books. She also received a Belle dress from her cousin Jenifer which she has barely taken off since opening the box.
We went to our standing lunch date with our library friends at the food court. After lunch and playing we headed to the library for storytime. When we finally returned home and realized we had to make a quick trip to the egg store, but once we got home Gabriella slipped into her Belle dress and started to play with her toys. We listened to the messages from her tios and tia wishing her a happy birthday. I took the time to do some dishes and start dinner. We had our dear friends the Broom's over to celebrate Gabriella's birthday with us. Gabriella's birthday dinner was chicken fingers, mashed potatoes, green beans and broccoli all at her request. For the adults I made Chicken Kiev as I had a hankering for some cheese. For dessert we had a slightly misshaped cake with pink frosting. I forgot to spray the nonstick cake pans and the cake failed to come out. The good thing was Gabriella didn't even notice and the cake was still moist and delicious. Finally after our guests left Gabriella opened her gifts from me and Greg. She received a lot of beautiful gifts from our very generous friends and family members and we all feel very blessed.

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