Friday, September 4, 2009

Boot Camp Day 15: Side Effects

I think exercise should come with warning labels. One could be running may cause nausea and exhaustion. Another lunges may cause decrease in energy and an inability to walk up stairs. Not everything is a bad side effect though. Exercise also causes happiness and a sense of accomplishment, it leads to better sleep and a better personal outlook and in my case healthier eating patterns.
Today was a running day and I just wasn't feeling good. I went to bed so early last night, 8:20, and yet when the alarm went off this morning I was still exhausted. Running today I didn't really feel a sense of accomplishment instead I felt like I was dragging, that my body was holding me back. I thought back to something my friend Theresa said to me earlier in the week. She said that I shouldn't get hung up on how far I run, that I should be proud of showing up to run. So today I feel good that I showed up and that I ran the best I could.

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