Monday, September 28, 2009

Week 7: It's only going to get harder.

Another Monday workout has come and gone. I don't know what it is about Monday's, but every single one gives me a tummy ache. I managed to eat my wheat roll before we got to class, but just barely. Today we focused on cardio and abs. It was hard and I'm very sweaty as I write this post. We got a few new people in our class and now that everyone is starting at different times I wondered if the workouts would get a little easier. The answer is no, he just expects more from those of us who've been in the class longer. Today was an Ab work out that nearly brought me to tears. As we held our feet out and squeezed our Abs with all our strength he talked about not quitting. Small tears leaked out of the corners of my eyes blending with the sweat pouring off my forehead but I held on. I don't want to be a quitter, I know I have Abs and they probably need a good workout. We also ran from a push up position, then did some push-up/stand up reps. Both of which made me very dizzy, probably an unsafe drop in blood pressure. It was a hard workout but I know that tomorrow will be harder.

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