Sunday, August 29, 2010

Babies are a Handful

These babies are sure keeping us on our toes. They are still confusing their days and nights. They sleep like little angels during the day, but at night they want to be held constantly. I am once again praising our decision to bring the recliners with us to Okinawa because they allow us to hold both babies on our laps while sitting in them. The ability to do that makes it possible to feed a baby and keep the other baby from crying. My mom and Greg have been staying up at night with the babies so I can get some sleep. I'm still getting up every few hours to pump but the rest is essential for my survival, I don't know what I would do without my parents here. The girls are still having latching issues which to be fair was to be expected. They were born at 38 weeks, so they haven't even reached "full term" yet. I'm hoping there will be a huge turn around in the next week. Maybe they will start sleeping a little more at night and start latching a little better.
Gabriella has blossomed into a fantastic big sister, she can feed a baby then change their position (while supporting their neck) to burp them. She has the magical ability to entertain the babies even when they are in the throws of screaming. She loves to help and wants to be there every step of the way to offer assistance. Last night Greg, Gabriella, myself and the twins were laying in our bed. Gabriella was working on writing her first and last name for school, Greg was working a crossword puzzle and I was just enjoying the loving glow of a quiet family moment. It was in that moment that a little bit of peace came over me, an assurance that everything would be alright. I will survive this moment and the next, no matter how crazy or overwhelming the moment is, it will pass and the waters will calm again. I'm more confident today that this is possible than I was yesterday. I hope my confidence continues to grow each day.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you are documenting this experience. So many moms that have multiples feel like they can't do it. Gotta give yourself credit. You are amazing!!
