Saturday, September 18, 2010

One Month

It's been a month since Julia and Genevieve were born. The house has been in survival mode since they came home from the hospital. Although we ventured out for a few outings we've mainly stayed home taking care of basic daily needs. Just to give you an idea of what those needs are, the girls eat about 60 oz of milk a day. I'd love to say I produce that much, but I don't...yet. They get a few ounces of formula a day so my goal of them being totally breast fed is well within reach. We also go through about 30 diapers a day and a pack of wipes every 3 days. The girls wear an average of 2 outfits a day although some days they've gone through 5. We do laundry for them every other day. I pump 11 times a day and they eat at least 9 times a day. We still try nursing for at least one feeding per day. According to our very unofficial scale Genevieve weighs 9.4 pounds and Julia weighs 8.5 pounds. They've already outgrown their newborn sized clothes and diapers. They've had their first baths and are not big fans. Gabriella has probably given them at least a million kisses each. All this in a month.
In a few weeks my parents go back to California and we will start the process of PCS-ing. I can't imagine what my life will be like then. I look at each day as a gift, I'm pleased to still have most of my sanity. These two little personalities are amazing we are learning their likes and dislikes each day. I like them best when they are quietly studying my face while I'm feeding them. Gabriella likes them best when they are trying to grab her while on the changing table. Greg likes it best when he holds them and they make funny faces. What are their favorite times? I don't know yet, probably when they are fed, wearing a clean diaper and in the arms of someone who loves them.

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