Monday, September 27, 2010

Tiny Dancers

This picture is just one example of why it's so cool to have little girls. All three look adorable in their tutus. This picture was taken on Saturday before Gabriella went to ballet. She's been asking to take the girls since they were born so we finally were able to get our act together and get out the door with all the kids. Saturday was her last ballet class because we are taking a break from classes for the month of October. Gabriella was thrilled to show off her new little sisters to her friends in class. The twins enjoyed the music and watching their sister practice. After class we stopped by Greg's office and weighed the little girls. Genevieve now weighs 10 pounds and Julia weighs 9 pounds 3 ounces. They have filled out a little and are getting adorable rolls of fat all over them. They are hard to pick up at the same time but we manage somehow. Later in the day we gave my parents some much needed peace and quiet by leaving the house with all the kids. After a quick lunch we decided to go to Tobaru park. Gabriella rode the rollerslide at least 15 times while the little girls napped in their strollers. The weather was perfect, warm with a cool breeze, San Diego weather. Here is a video of Gabi on the slide.


  1. We should definitely have a slide like that in California! I love her giggles at the end!

  2. She sounds like she's having a!!!
