Friday, May 29, 2009

Butterfly's Forever

This post is really really late.  We went to the Ryukjo Butterfly Park and the beach on Monday.  Greg had the day off and he was able to go with us. We've been wanting to go to this park for a long time.  It was a very small park and we were able to walk through it very quickly.  It was a very cute park there were lots of different butterflies flying around throughout the gardens. They had a specific building where you could put on bright red hats and walk through the enclosure.  The butterflies are attracted to the bright colors and will actually land on the hats or clothing. They were swarmed around fake bouquets and on the red hats. After we'd seen most of the park we stopped for a cool treat. After much deliberation Gabriella decided on a blue hawaiian snow cone. It was delicious and refreshing. 
Our next stop was lunch at the beach. We headed up the road to Emerald Beach. Emerald Beach is part of Expo Park which includes such other attractions as the Aquarium and the Tropical Dream Center.  The beach is wonderfully equipped with covered benches, lifeguards, shower centers and floating platforms located in a net protected lagoon. The sand was rough and full of coral, but was still fun to play in. Gabriella and Greg headed out into the water and walked all the way out to one of the platforms. They enjoyed playing in the water and I was told that the water was warmer than the air so it was very comfortable.  We stayed for a few hours, ate our lunches and played. On the way home both Gabriella and Greg fell asleep in the car, luckily I was driving. 

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