Thursday, February 12, 2009

Even a culture away Valentine's is still a day.

Today was Gabriella's first foray into Valentine's day. At least in the sense of Valentine's day cards for her classmates. We got up early this morning to pour over the list of 12 children and choose who would get which Valentine and which treat.  Gabriella was thrilled as we drove to school today, holding her bag of Valentines proudly.  As we walked up to her classroom, she happily announced that she had her Valentines and was so excited to give them to all her friends. Few things make me prouder than Gabriella's innate sense of fairness. She's constantly trying to make sure that everyone is being treated equally.  Valentine's day is a day that truly embodies a sense of fairness and equality. Every single person in her class brought Valentine's for everyone. Gabriella was thrilled to receive each one, her teacher even commented that she said "Thank You" to every person that put their valentine in her heart bag.  When we arrived home she dutifully ate her lunch with the knowledge that once she was finished she could open all her Valentine's.  The picture above is of Gabi and her school Valentine's. She got one from every friend in her class and was thrilled when I read them to her. 
Tomorrow we will be making some cupcakes for the No-Kill animal shelter on the island.  Just another way to give a little back. 

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