Saturday, April 4, 2009

Birthday Party Time

Today was Gabriella's fourth birthday party. I got up really early to make her birthday cupcakes. This morning helped me to remember why I don't like getting up early.  Gabriella ambled downstairs after 7 and promptly asked when her friends would arrive for her party and if she could eat a cupcake for breakfast. The party started at noon and those scant 5 hours she had to wait before her friends got here was pure torture. Once the party started and the friends arrived she was in heaven. The bouncy castle was the hit of the party, the kids only emerged from it to eat lunch, have cupcakes, and open the pinata.  We used the pull strings on the bottom of the pony pinata, so I'm pleased to announce that no one was harmed in the opening of the pinata.  We decided not to open the presents until after the kids left, we didn't want to take away any bouncing time.  I think everyone had a good time at the party, Gabriella was thrilled her friends from the school and the neighborhood came to her house for the party.
She got a lot of beautiful gifts all her friends were very generous.  I even managed to finish the thank you notes.  Her real birthday is on Monday, which is when she will open the family gifts. We haven't decided how we are going to celebrate her birthday yet, but I suppose we still have a little time. 

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