Thursday, April 16, 2009

Lights, Camera, Action

Yesterday I had a fantastic opportunity to see a pilot being shot. Not the flying type but the TV type.  I was invited by my fantastic brother in law to the filming of "Happiness isn't Everything". It's a new show that I really hope gets picked up.  It's written by the same people who wrote for Arrested Development. It's witty and funny and stars Richard Dreyfuss, Mary Steenburgen, and Jason Biggs. If this show gets picked up you must watch it on CBS at it's assigned day and time. 
The whole process was so exciting. Firstly, we were VIP's so we didn't have to wait in line Matt as able to whisk us past the line and to our pre-selected seats. They had an audience warmer who kept the crowd interested as the mechanics of filming went on behind him. It was very cool to watch all the workings on a television show taping. I've been to one other taping, Saved by the Bell, this one was much more interesting. I must note that it was freezing in the building, they must keep it cool so the hot set lights don't cause the actors to spontaneously combust. The taping went just short of 4 hours, we did not heed the suggestion to eat before so we were hungry when we left.  On the way home we stopped at In and Out. I finally got to have to most delicious fast food hamburger in the world. It was better than I remembered it. 
It was a great night, I hope Matt is proud of the quality product they put out, I hope it gets picked up and he continues to work on it.  Keep your fingers crossed.
I would have had a picture but cell phones, cameras and any digital equipment was prohibited.

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