Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ho Ho Hoarders

My post today was going to about my truly hellacious work out this morning but that seems minor compared to the insanity I just went through. *Deep Breath in and out*
I'm making cookies for two cookie exchanges and for some reason I haven't been able to select a recipe yet. I bought one of those nifty mini cookie cookbooks at the exchange and spent today studying the recipes. Instead of deciding which to make I've picked a few to try out before I make my decision. The first recipe on my list required some new ingredients that I didn't have in my pantry so I take my list and head out the door. I had a few other stops on my list and the commissary was suppose to be the second to last. I merrily tossed a few items into my cart and then headed to the baking supply aisle looking for mint extract. I get there and there is no mint extract, but I've noticed that there are a lot of other holiday displays around the store so I check all of those. No mint extract. I ask the lady at the counter if they could check the back and they do and come back with nothing. The night manager of the exchange comes out to tell me that the item I want is NIS (not in stock). I ask when it will be in stock and she shrugs then says it's all up to the supplier. With a heavy heart I walk out of the commissary with my bag of other purchases. I know where all that Mint Extract is. It's in one persons house who couldn't find it last year and is hoarding it. It happens on this island all the time. You see your favorite toothpaste that you haven't seen since you moved here and suddenly instead of buying one or two tubes you are buying the whole case. Deciding that I need that extract I drive to the Air Force commissary. It's not really far away but in traffic it takes me 30 minutes to get there. Lucky for me they have it and I consider getting an extra bottle just in case but then I remember that is why I'm in this situation in the first place. So I decide to just get one because hoarding just makes it harder on the next person. I have all the ingredients to make my cookies but I'm too tired to make them tonight, I'll have to do it at some point tomorrow.
Now that my venting is over I'll share my work out with you today. This was my first true day back, yesterday we ran and to me that's kind of a piece of cake. Cake for me because I can basically go at my own pace, listen to my ipod and tune out the rest of the world for an hour. In class that is never an option. Today was friends and family day and I once again showed up without either. John was in rare form today, we started out with some floor exercise that used our hamstrings, glutes, legs and hips. We did that for a while and he made the exercise increasingly harder then we picked up some weights and headed to the stairs. Then we went back in and did some more of the leg exercises once again he increased their difficulty, then back to the stairs and to finish off our torture we did some ab work. During the Ab work he asked us to sit back so our abs were activated then lift our foot. I felt like Uma Thurman in Kill Bill, the scene where she's staring at her toe trying to wiggle it, I was staring at my foot willing it to lift off the ground. Just like in the movie eventually my foot lifted but it was a struggle. I had to take a nap while Gabi was at school today because I was so ridiculously exhausted. I'm going to bed early tonight in hopes that I will be fully recovered for tomorrow's run.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I feel like a real jerk for not showing up on friends/family day. Perhaps this coming Thursday?
    I REALLY wish you would've taken an extra bottle of mint extract. I, too, have been looking for some. When I bit into that yummy cookie of yours, I wondered where you got the mint. Thought you probably purchased it from the states before you came back.
    I'll be taking a trip to Kadena to see if I get lucky!! ;)
    ~Angie K.
