Monday, March 15, 2010

Like Father Like Daughter

Many people that we've met both friends and strangers have commented on how much Gabriella looks like me. I'm always flattered because I think she's the most beautiful little girl on the planet and I have a few relatives who completely agree with me. I think there are a lot of ways was are similar, we watch TV with the same zoned out expression hearing and seeing nothing else but what is on the screen, we also have a similar timber to our speech and we share a few facial features. There are some ways she's very similar to her daddy. The first is that she has his ears, they are exact replicas and I love them. The second is that she has his love of puzzles and games, activities they love to do together. I've never seen two more dedicated people when working a puzzle. Another similarity is their love of desserts. While this isn't an innate trait but one learned through countless lessons on Greg's part but it truly demonstrates how similar they are. I use the picture above as a perfect example. That picture was taken on Sunday at the Butler Officers Club, Gabriella and I were there for brunch. It's important to note that Greg was still en route from the states and that Gabriella constructed that massive dessert all by herself. I did pour the soft serve into the bowl, but the rest was all her. When I tried to limit her toppings she said "daddy says I can put a little of everything". I wonder what the two buns in the oven will inherit from us and what we will mold into them.

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