Sunday, January 4, 2009

Chinese Gardens!? I thought this was Japan

Today was Sunday, so after barely making it to 8 am mass we headed out to run some errands and of course go see a sight. Today's sight the Fukushu-en Chinese Gardens.  Situated in the middle of an urban sprawl in the middle of Naha (Okinawa's largest city) it is a beautiful and peaceful garden. When I say in the middle I mean it, as you walk around the gardens you can see peoples laundry hanging on the balconies of their houses.  They had a lot of Koi fish to feed and some beautiful architecture. It was peaceful and lovely until I went ass over tea kettle walking down a tiny incline while watching Greg and Gabi scale down some rocks.  I'm pleased to report that nothing was seriously injured other than my ego and a turned ankle. Which at the promise of a stop at a tea house I ignored. However, I never got to the tea house for a few reasons, first we don't read kanji so we probably passed 10 tea houses but couldn't tell what the sign said. Second, it's the New Year here in Japan and they are worshiping at their shrines, so there was a huge shrine that we went by and decided to check it out, after the huge number of stairs I was ready to hobble to the car and head home.  I did get to stop at a vending machine for a very refreshing Mitsuya Cider, it tasted like carbonated candy to me. 
Once again another wonderful day of exploring, with only minor injuries.


  1. I love Chinese Gardens! Sounds like a fun time. Is it a requirement that one of you gets hurt every time you go adventuring?

  2. tea house sounds like fun, i cant wait to hear about that one too. so, does japan have their own japanese garden?

  3. They have a lot of gardens, in fact 2 very pretty botanical gardens. We've been to one, it's probably prettier in the spring. When my parents visit we will take them.
