Friday, January 9, 2009

The more things change the more they stay the same

Just a short post tonight, because it's already late. Gabriella and I had a busy day running errands. Trips to the uniform store, the travel agent, the exchange (think Sears), the commissary (think grocery store) and signing up Gabriella for ballet. As I was constantly unstrapping and re-strapping Gabi into her car seat I was thinking how similar this day was to a lot of my days in San Diego. I ran all the same errands there that I do here, except here they are closer to each other but I have to show my military ID about 10 times, which is 100% more than I had to in SD. Every single time we enter a base, go into a shop on base, sign up for anything or pay with a check they ask for the military ID.  
Today in Okinawa felt very similar to a day in San Diego. It's nice to see that somethings never change, moms will always be busy and we always have to buy milk. 

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