Tuesday, February 23, 2010


There is nothing worse than seeing a commercial for a restaurant that we don't have on this island. It's like those poor people in San Diego who have to watch Sonic commercials yet there is no Sonic in SD. I have to watch Sonic commercials here and there isn't one for 3000 miles. Now that I'm pregnant I've been having the weirdest cravings. They are all salt based, I haven't really had a desire for anything sweet. That being said I have eaten a few brownies in the past few weeks. My main kick right now is tomatoes. I love freshly sliced tomatoes with salt and pepper or tomato juice. Today I made myself a delicious fresh yellow and red grape tomato salad with cucumber, feta cheese and homemade balsamic dressing. Tomatoes are good for me, they are full of Vitamin A which I'm sure will help the babies develop good eyesight. However, eating too many can also be harmful. I just learned that too much Vitamin A can make a person photo sensative. Which could explain the sunburn I'm currently sporting. Greg has asked me to cut back and I will try. I did eat 8 roma tomatoes yesterday and that was probably a bit much. Today I only had one pint of the grape tomatoes and one glass of tomato juice. I suppose I can always go back to eating lemons with salt, that's another craving I've been having. But eating that is bad for the enamel on my teeth. I guess I will just have to eat my cravings in moderation. I'm only 13 weeks along so I'm sure there will be a lot more of these intense desires for specific foods before these babies are born. Hopefully it won't involve wanting something from Sonic.

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