Thursday, February 4, 2010

Lacking Motivation

I must say I've really let this blog slip. Recently I've just been too unmotivated to summon my creative powers and write. I feel like this week has been excruciatingly hard, yet in reality it hasn't been as hard as weeks in the past. I think I'm loosing my energy. Monday and Tuesday at boot camp were as hard as ever. We used the bands of death on Monday and the red balls of fire on Tuesday. Then Wednesday we ran but John left early so we were on our own doing the short track because of persistent sprinkles. Since I didn't run my best on Wednesday I headed to Zumba after I dropped Gabi off at school. I made it through the whole class with no issues to speak of, but then on the cool down dance I popped something in my knee. I heard the pop, I felt the pop and I almost fell down because of the pop. I managed to walk it off but my knee has been bothering me ever since. I hope it's nothing and honestly it hasn't hurt all that much today unless I stay in the same position for an extended period of time. It hurt a lot when I got up for boot camp this morning and I serious considered calling in injured. But I promised Esau I'd pick him up so I dragged myself downstairs and out the door. The whole drive to boot camp I rehearsed what I was going to say to John about my knee. Slipping between telling him I couldn't possibly do anything because it hurt and asking what sort of stretch/exercise I should be doing to help it. God must have heard my plea for mercy because when we got to the gym it was dark. Esau crossed the road to check out the sign attached to the door and came back to report that classes were canceled today and that we'd be running at the stadium on Friday. I hope John feels better by Monday and I hope my knee is better by Monday.
As for the rest of the family everyone has been busy. Gabriella has been learning a lot at gymnastics and ballet. She is speaking a lot of Hawaiian, thanks to her hula class. The other day she said "Mahalo tu tu" to me when I helped her at the drinking fountain. Today her class had a field trip to the post office which she said was lots of fun. I was hoping she'd discover the reason our mail takes so long to get to our boxes and why sometimes my magazines have coffee stains on them. Greg has been really busy at work, he was on call the other night and got no less than 10 pages throughout the night. He's also on call this weekend which is a blessing because he gets Superbowl Monday off. We will be enjoying the game with the Montoya's via skype. Although we won't get to see the awesome commercials we will get to see the rugby previews on Australia ESPN. Hopefully we will see some of you there.

1 comment:

  1. Ha, ha, ha! No wonder you have been lacking energy! You had two beautiful reasons why you were exhausted! Congrats, again.
