Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Post Boot Camp Exercise and Diet

Learning to keep on top of my exercise without boot camp has been a challenge. I'm trying to balance getting as much rest as possible while still doing some sort of exercise each day. Lucky for me my base gym offers Zumba two times a week. Although it's no where near has tough as Cardio Funk it definitely gets my heart pumping and my body moving. The music makes me want to shake my money maker and the moves remind me of learning dance moves for flags. I try to stay away from all the jumping which isn't recommended for pregnancy. The good thing about Zumba is that you are able to make it as hard or as easy as you want. If you don't want to put your hands all the way up you don't have to. But the key to a good cardio workout, I've been told, is to work your arms. The harder you work on moving your arms the more your heart pumps and the more parts of your body are working. I always end Zumba hot, sweaty and completely happy with my workout. I hope the twins are enjoying all the dancing and music, I'm sure in time they will be able to tell me.
By the way it's 13 weeks today, the first trimester is over and the second is beginning. I wonder if the sickness will start to fade or will the cravings. Supposedly I'm suppose to be starting to get my baby bump, but I can't really see it. I probably have trouble seeing it because all my clothes are still big on me. I don't have a scale here at home so I have no idea if I've continued to loose weight. I know I've done my best to keep my diet as healthy as possible while adding in the 600 extra calories I need everyday. My favorite 600 calorie addition is an Avocado with salt, pepper, lime and tabasco sauce. The one thing I haven't been able to get enough of is fiber, but I'm working on it.

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