Friday, October 9, 2009

Circus of a Circuit

Yesterday we did circuit training and I learned why you should never be the bearer of news. Lets discuss the latter part of that sentence. My dear friends both missed the 5 am boot camp class for various reasons, and I was asked to let John know. I did and he looked at me like I'd grown a second head and just opened my own gym next door. He called me 2000 for the rest of the class because one of my friends who will remain nameless said she'd do 2000 push ups as punishment for missing class. John said 2000 push ups wouldn't even begin to cover the amount of work I was going to be doing. He was right. I worked out for 3 people instead of just one, each different task was brutal and the fact that he pushed me on each one made me work harder. We also got our first look at the weight room, which of course contains weights and machines that cause pain. I think I may refer to it know as the torture room from now on because that's what it is to me. I did find out I can push 70 pounds worth of weight, which was a little surprising. All and all yesterday was a hard work out, but I'm glad I went at my assigned time because I know my friends probably got beat up at the 9:30 class.

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