Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Hill is not my master

There are few things that require mastery in running, yet running as a whole is almost an art. You need to master your stride, your posture, your breathing and possibly a few more things. That being said I'm starting to get mastery over those things, however certain parts of the course we run have mastery over me, meaning that I have a complete breakdown of my skills when I get to them. They are the hills, there are two pretty serious hills, one that is hardest for me is the very first hill, it's not as steep as the second one or as long yet I consistently face it and climb as if it's Mount Everest. So yesterday when we did our run I wanted to master it, I wanted to conquer what ever was holding me back. I made a commitment to run up the hill at least two times. My first trip up the hill I walked because I was fiddling around with my ipod, the second time I walked because after drinking water the hill was making me a bit nauseous and the third time I kind of half tried to run it. But finally it was the end of the run 10 minutes left, I only had time for a short lap around the stadium, it was now or never to reach my goal. So I sprinted up the hill, I made it to the top huffing and puffing and fairly certain that death was probably eminent. But I turned right back around and walked down the hill and did it again. The second time didn't seem so painful, it didn't seem as hard as the first, the hill no longer took on a tunnel visioned endless hallway. It was just a hill and I ran up it twice.

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