Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Early Bird Catches the Worm

Alright so right now it's 4:27 in the morning and I'm trying to finish this blog before I go running. My life has taken a busy turn as of late and I'm struggling to fit everything in. I have managed to put myself first though and still make it to boot camp and my extra cardio workout. Yesterday at boot camp we got another lecture, this time about the importance of tapping into our inner strength. And an explanation about why we stop trying when things get hard, why we avoid the struggles. I find the struggle to be difficult, but to achieve something while struggling makes it that much sweeter. Like fresh squeezed lemonade, it tastes so much better than powdered lemonade because you know the struggle it was to make. Yesterday was also Cardio Funk, which I think I'll actually miss when I go on vacation. Every time I go to it I feel like I got a tremendous workout, like I've gone to supernatural in just finishing it. After I had to go to the commissary all sweaty and gross, but I looked at it as a badge of honor, showing everyone that I had a good workout.

Well I've already done my run for the day. I made it three laps around the short track of the blue line. It was a little over 3 miles. I was hoping to do four laps but I ran out of time. It was an accomplishment because I ran the entire 3 laps, no walking. I'm proud of myself and I hope that I can keep up the improvement.

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