Thursday, September 10, 2009

Boot Camp: Bring your friends for torture

Thursday is always friends and family day at boot camp and today my friends Michelle and Erika accompanied me and Rachel. We picked them up, because trusting anyone to voluntarily drive themselves to a gym at 4:45 in the morning is always a bad idea. John was in a goodish mood this morning, there was no yelling to be heard when we walked up. We did the same exercise that we did on Tuesday to help strengthen our backs and our abs. Then we learned a few new painful leg exercises. It was nice to be able to stay horizontal in class even if my legs were burning and I had a hard time keeping my eyes open. He also checked our eating in our journals. I ate healthfully yesterday and kept my fingers crossed that everyone else did too. The last 20 minutes he lectured, and it was an interesting blend of helpful hints and encouragement. Possibly the best and most humorously made point was not to let people or things get in the way of seeing your goal.
Both Erika and Michelle were smiling when we dropped them off, which could have been because of the endorphin rush from exercising or they were just thankful their torture was finally over and they could collapse back into their beds. Either way they were great sports for coming out and I really loved having them in class.

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