Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Run like the wind

Today was a run day and I did awesome. I finished 3 laps (about 4.5 miles) in 55 minutes, and my last lap was under 15 minutes. I've never finished my run before 6 am, ever. I did a lot of things differently this morning, first of all I had bread and fruit as my 4 am mini meal, at John's suggestion. I think it may have given me more energy because as I'm writing this the pull of the bed is not as strong. Secondly, I changed my music selection. Instead of listening to some rock and roll or pop songs I put on my flag playlist. This playlist consists of all the songs I use to hear at flag competitions, some of which I had routines to. As I listened to these songs I thought about the routines, the costumes, how young and thin I was and I forgot (kind of) I was running. I didn't think of the pain, or the heat, or how far I still had to go, all I thought of was flags. So even though the songs were slower paced I ran faster. The biggest change was me, when I got up this morning I told myself I wanted to run 3 laps. I've changed in these last 6 weeks of boot camp. If I look back 6 weeks ago I couldn't even stay on the route, I got lost so many times that it's impossible to know how far I ran that day. Yet today I competently ran the route in my best time yet with a smile on my face and a spring in my step. I've changed a lot in these past weeks, not just my body but my mind. So really the only difference today that matters is me, I'm different and it's progress.

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